We Have Won Various Awards For Our Work

We have had an external, & independent, evaluation of the ‘Community Peer Mentors’, which highlighted the amazing results we can achieve when working hand in hand with the referring agency and the clients, by using volunteers to reduce demand and make people’s lives better.

Our Recent Awards
Durham City and Durham Cathedral

We offer a non-time specific support which is unique and bespoke for every client; as we believe every person’s experience, story, fears and feelings are different, and therefore one size does not fit all. All we ask is that a person has the will, want and capacity to change, they must set goals; however small, they must ‘bring something to the party’; we are not there to just do everything for them.

This approach is unique in the UK for tackling these issues.

PCC ‘proud’ as volunteers receive prestigious invites to King’s Coronation events

Four outstanding volunteers who have supported vulnerable people to get their lives back on track have been invited to Royal celebration events to mark King Charles III’s Coronation.

Trish Manners and Hayley Gibson, who volunteer for Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen’s Community Peer Mentor Service, will be among hundreds of volunteers to attend Buckingham Palace’s grounds on May 9 for the King and The Queen Consort’s first official Garden Party.

The invitation recognises the scheme’s success in achieving The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service last year for its support to vulnerable or isolated people including victims and perpetrators of crime. The award was presented on 8 September 2022, tragically the same day as Queen Elizabeth II passed away.

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Our Recent Awards

The Queens Award

2022 - Award for for Voluntary Service, The MBE for Voluntary Groups

National ‘Lord Ferrer’s Award’

2021 Volunteer Chloe won the National ‘Lord Ferrer’s Award’

PCC Outstanding Volunteer of the year

2021 - Our Volunteer Martin won the PCC Outstanding Volunteer of the year

Winners of The National ‘Tilley Award’

2019/20 Winners-The National ‘Tilley Award’ for problem solving & demand reduction

International ‘Goldstein Awards Finalist

2019-20 Finalists for problem solving and demand reduction

World Class Policing Awards

2019-20 Finalists in the ‘World Class Policing Awards

National ‘Lord Ferrer’s Award’

2019 Volunteer Stephen runner up for the outstanding PCC volunteer of the year

National award - supporting ex prisoners

2019 Volunteer Mark - national award from NEPACS for supporting ex-prisoners

PCC Outstanding Volunteer of the year

2019 Our volunteer Stephen won the PCC Outstanding Volunteer of the year

Winners of the ‘POP’ Awards

2017/18 Winners - Durham Constabulary Problem Orientated Partnership Award

We have also received

  • Durham Community Action’ kite mark for excellence in supporting volunteers.
  • 2019 Joined the Armed Forces Covenan
  • 2021 Received the Carer Friendly Employer Award
  • 2021 We became Dementia Friends