The Community Peer Mentors now have a responsibility to deliver mediation across County Durham & Darlington for the benefit of all residence, this referral can be made by anyone, there is no fee and mediation is delivered free of charge thanks to the Police and crime Commissioners determination to provide the best possible service to everyone.
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What is mediation?
Mediation is a flexible and confidential process used to settle a dispute between two or more people, businesses, or other organisations. It involves appointing a mediator, who is an independent and impartial third person, to help the parties talk through the issues, negotiate, and come to a mutually agreeable solution.
You can mediate before taking legal action or while legal action is ongoing.
What are the benefits of mediation?
Mediation allows you stay in control. Unlike in court, where a judge makes the decisions, in mediation you are able to decide how you want to resolve the dispute and don’t have to accept an outcome you are not happy with.
Mediation is usually much quicker and much less expensive than going to court, so it can be a more efficient way of resolving disagreements that allows everyone to move on from the problem sooner. Mediation provides a safe and supportive environment.
The mediator will listen to all views, talking to you privately, and sometimes together with the other party, to help guide you through the process.

Mediation Form
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